The Quick Assign feature provides a fast and easy method of assigning individual demands. This feature will be very useful for assigning multiple demands in sequence such as would be done by a router. The ability to Quick Assign is a specific privilege that must be given by a Security Administrator to an individual user.
Choose Quick Assign from the top level AF menu.
The top of the screen provides a summary of the next demand to be assigned. The bottom of the screen allows you to search for and select the user or Business Unit to which the demand will be assigned.
You can Skip a demand. When skipped, the demand will not appear within Quick Assign again until you log out of the AF site.
Open this Demand will allow the user to access demands for additional review and actions.
Print this Demand will allow the user to create a PDF copy of the demand.
Back to List will allow the user to access the My Work List.
Assign Demand to User
Assign Demand to Business Unit
Assign Task to User
Assign Task to Business Unit
Take Ownership