Assign Task to Business Unit

Assign Task to Business Unit

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You can assign a task by choosing the applicable task for the business unit and by clicking Assign to Unit next to the business unit you wish to assign to.

Begin by selecting a task from the Choose Task drop down menu.

Click to expand/collapse Search/Select Business Units

Upon entering this action a list of Business Units will appear.

To narrow the list of Business Units displayed, enter a portion of the Business Unit name in the search field and click Search Business Units.

Locate the desired Business Unit and click the Assign to Unit button next to the Business Unit to which you would like to assign.

Click to expand/collapse Confirm Task Assignment

Once you click assign to user a confirm assignment of task to user is displayed. This is simply to confirm the name and email address of the person you picked.

The Message field provides a way of conveying an additional message to the assignee. This field is not required.

The available buttons for this screen are as follows:

Confirm:  Completes the assignment and assigns the user to the task.
Back to Search:  This button brings you back to the list of users where you can remake your selection.
Back to Demand:  When this button is clicked you go back to the current demand.

See Also: