Arbitration Forums, Inc. requires all users who access our web site (via Manual Login or Auto Login) to complete a user profile. This information helps the E-Subro Hub to pre-fill forms and to send notifications to you in a timely manner.
The first time you attempt to log in to the Arbitration Forums web site, you will be asked to complete a User Profile.
The red icon [ ] denotes required fields in the User Profile.
A Company User ID is the Internal ID by which you are known at your company. Having this internal ID stored in the AF web site will make it easier for people within your own company to find you when they need to assign a demand to you, or ask for your help with a task. If your company doesn't assign user ID's, you'll still need to complete this field (since it a required field). Simply use your First name and Last name combined into a single word to form your own ID. (For example, johnsmith) Note: The system will not allow duplicate Company ID's. If this ID is already in use by someone in your company, simply add a number to the end of the ID. (For example, johnsmith2) |
If your contact information changes, you'll want to update your information on the AF web site. To do this, modify your User Profile. To access the User Profile Form anytime after your first login, use the following steps:
3. Choose Edit My Profile. |
See Also: