This page provides information needed to create and maintain routing rules.
Note: You must have administrative privileges in order to access this part of the Arbitration Forums web site. If you are not able to access the sections described, it is likely because you do not have the appropriate privileges. When setting the Company configurations, the Security Administrator can confer with an AF implementation specialist to make sure the settings facilitate established workflows.
If you need to be granted administrative privileges, please contact your E-Subro Hub Administrator. If your company is not yet setup for E-Subro Hub, you may need to contact Arbitration Forums Support (888-ESUBRO1 or 888-378-2761) to initiate the process.
Routing Rules is accessed via the top level AF menu: Administration > Company Preferences > Routing Rules |
Routing rules determine where a Demand will be routed when first issued to your company. A RuleSet is a complete set of Rules that will be applied when determining where to route an issued Demand. Multiple RuleSets may be maintained, but only one RuleSet may be active at any time. Other RuleSets may be expired, scheduled to be active in the future, or inactive. Click the Create New RuleSet button to create a new RuleSet, then use the Edit Rules link on the right side of the page to modify the rules and conditions within the RuleSet (see the next section for additional information on editing the rules). When a RuleSet is first created, you will need to set an initial rule based on the Rule Type. Choose State of Loss to build a RuleSet based on the state in which the loss occurred. Choose Relateds to build a RuleSet based on whether a case exists within E-Subro Hub that is related to the incoming case (see the next section for additional information on editing the rules). Once you have made all necessary modifications, use the Activate link to activate the RuleSet. |
The rules within a RuleSet are designed for routing based on either the State of Loss and/or Relateds. For each rule, the destination can be:
Note: clicking the Edit Rules action is essentially creating a NewRuleSet from the existing parameters. Editing State of Loss RulesA default condition is provided for each State rule. The default is a catch-all condition and will determine routing when the state has not been mapped in another condition. Choose the appropriate action for the default condition by selecting it from the Do This drop down list and selecting any supporting information which may be needed. Click Add Condition to add another layer of rules. Click the Back to RuleSets link when you have completed your changes. Note: This page saves automatically. Your last save date/time will be displayed at the top of the screen. Editing Relateds RulesRelateds rules are built on True/False conditions and provide the ability to either route the demand or invoke another rule based on whether related E-Subro Hub cases are found. Choose the appropriate action for each condition by selecting it from the left hand drop down and selecting the corresponding supporting information from the right hand drop down list. Note: This page saves automatically. Your last save date/time will be displayed at the top of the screen. |
See Also: