Custom Demand Lists provide a way to create filters based on your criteria. They are considered an advanced feature of E-Subro Hub and should only be used if you have a good understanding of filtering.
To Customize a Demand List page, you'll need access to the Filters. Do this from any Demand List by choosing Custom from the Current List drop down.
Another way to access the Custom Filters is to click the Show Filter Details button. This button is available from many of the Preset Demand Lists.
Note: The Show Filter Details button is NOT AVAILABLE from My Work List. This is due to the fact that My Work List needs to make certain assumptions in order to show you the proper demands that need your attention.
Once you've accessed the custom filters, you'll see them at the top of the Demand List page.
Custom Filter Field Definitions:
Use the Role filter to choose whether you'd like to see demands from the Demander or Responder perspective.
The Owner filter lets you choose demands based on who the demand is assigned to.
The Company filter lets you type an opposing company name (or partial name) with which to filter the list.
Note: Typing only an “f” will not only return companies that start with “f” (ie. Fairlane Insurance, Inc.), but also any companies that have an “f” anywhere in their name (ie. Second Frontier Insurance, Inc.). For this reason, it is best to use a two or more character sequence to narrow your search.
Action Flag
Choosing Yes on this filter will display those demands which have an Action Flag. Choosing No will display those demands which do not have an Action Flag.
Message Flag
Choosing Yes on this filter will display those demands which have a Message Flag. Choosing No will display those demands which do not have a Message Flag.
Demand Amount
Returns demands based on the demand amount. The choices are all pre-set. Your choices are:
• | Ignore – ignores this filter |
• | >=$1000 – returns demands with demand amounts greater than or equal to $1000.00. |
• | >=$5000 – returns demands with demand amounts greater than or equal to $5000.00. |
• | >=$10000 – returns demands with demand amounts greater than or equal to $10000.00. |
• | >=$20000 – returns demands with demand amounts greater than or equal to $20000.00. |
Demand Status
Returns demands that currently have the status that you’ve chosen. Your choices are:
• | Pre-Issued – returns demands that have not yet been issued |
• | Outstanding – returns demands from the following statuses: |
o | Issued – returns demands only with the Issued status. |
o | In Negotiation – returns demands in the In Negotiation status. |
o | Accepted – returns demands in the Accepted status. |
o | Pending – returns demands in the Pending status. Pending status is initiated when the responder chooses the FNOL or Investigating actions. |
o | Denied – returns demands in the Denied status. |
o | Settled – returns demands in the Settled status. |
• | Closed – returns demands in the Closed status. |
Note: A Demand Status is transitory. If the last action on a demand was an acceptance, the demand will be in the Accepted status. However, if the Demander subsequently closes the demand, the status will change to Closed. The Status filter only filters demands based on their CURRENT status. It will not find demands that have previously been in that status.
Issue Date
The Issue Date filter lets you specify the date range for which you’d like to see demands. You may choose one of the following:
• | Last 4 weeks – returns the demands Issued within the last 4 weeks. |
• | Last 8 weeks – returns the demands Issued within the last 8 weeks. |
• | Specify Date Range – allows you to specify a 90 day range. Returns only demands that have been Issued during the range of time you specify. Click the From and To buttons to easily select a date from the calendar pop-up. Remember that you need to click the Retrieve Demands button in order to begin your search. |
No Response In
Returns demands that have not been responded within a certain amount of time. Your choices are:
• | +15 days – returns No Response demands that are at least 15 days old |
• | +30 days - returns No Response demands that are at least 30 days old |
• | +60 days - returns No Response demands that are at least 60 days old |
Inactive For
Returns demands for which no action has occurred within a certain amount of time. Your choices are:
• | +15 days – returns demands that have been Inactive for at least 15 days |
• | +30 days – returns demands that have been Inactive for at least 30 days |
• | +60 days – returns demands that have been Inactive for at least 60 days |
Click the Show Statistics link to open the Demand Filter Statistics pop-up.
This will show:
• | Sum: A sum of the Total Demand and Total Response amounts for the demands that currently appear in your filtered list. |
• | Count: A count of the demands that have a Total Demand or Total Response amount. (all demands must have a total demand amount. Not all will have a total response amount). |
• | Average: The average Demand or Response amount for each demand that includes one of those values. (Note: This average is the Sum divided by the Count) |
Note: When you change the list page filters to include or exclude some of the demands, the Statistics pop-up will reflect those filter changes.
My Work List
Other Preset Demand Lists
Demand List Icons
The Diary Feature
Search for a Demand