This option brings the user to an editable Original Damages pane.
The Damages & Liability tab includes the Original Damages pane that acts as an input calculator for calculations to be displayed in the other panes. For example, amounts will be entered under each category in the Original Damages and redisplayed in the Negotiated Liability and Total Demands pane.
It should only be necessary to edit the original damages if an entry was incorrectly entered or an item was omitted at the time of entry.
The Original Damages are the actual amounts paid out by a demander to their insured for a specific claim. The Demander can make changes to the original damages using the Edit Original Damages action or by adding a Supplement to a demand that is not yet resolved. In that case, the supplement is treated like an edit to original damages and the modifications are applied to the Original Damages pane. Original Damages Pane Field Definitions:
The Responder Liability % is the percentage of liability for this incident that is being assigned to the Responder. When this value resides in a Demander negotiation action step, it represents the liability % that the Demander thinks the Responder should accept. When this value resides in a Responder negotiation action step, it represents the liability % that the Responder is willing to accept. The Responder Liability % is used to calculate the total demand or total response. The equation looks like this: Negotiated Liability x Negotiated Damages = Total Demand |
The negotiation message pane shows the message entered by the user that took the action. It should convey the reasoning behind the action being taken. Since the negotiation message is a required field, there should always be a negotiation message for each action. |
See Also: