Demand Details will initially be entered by the Demander who will be able to edit all of this information at any time during the life of the demand. The Responder will only have the ability to edit the detail information that pertains directly to them.
While the information in each section is fairly self explanatory, the following drop downs provide additional information about each section of the Demand Detail Tab:
Demander Company Information Field Definitions:
• | Company Name: Required field which contains a list of pre-filled subsidiary names within the drop down menu from which the appropriate name can be chosen. |
• | Customer Billing Code: Required field which contains a list of pre-filled billing company information within the drop down menu from which the appropriate information can be chosen. Filled by default based on subsidiary. |
• | Claim/Policy Number: Required field used to enter the Demander's claim or policy number. When adding a new demand, the entry in this field will be used to search the database for demands that have been created with this number. If a demand is found, you will be given the option of creating a companion or counter demand depending on your role. |
• | Line of Insurance: Used to define a choice between personal or commercial insurance. The choice made here impacts what is seen in the following field. |
• | Ins. First/Last Name (Shown if Personal Line of Insurance is chosen): Used to enter the first and last name of the Demander's insured individual. The Last Name is a required field. |
• | Driver (Checkbox shown if Personal Line of Insurance is chosen): Used to indicate if the Demander's insured was driving the vehicle at the time of the accident. If this box is checked, the Driver First/Last Name field located under Demander Vehicle information will automatically populate with the phrase "Same as Insured". |
• | Ins. Company Name (Shown if Commercial Line of Insurance is chosen): Required field used to enter the name of the insured company. |
Responder Company Information Field Definitions:
• | Company Name: Required field that is populated via a search process which begins by clicking the Select button. Partial entries of at least 3 characters can be used as search terms. The selection is made by clicking the desired company name from the search results. |
• | Claim/Policy Number: Used to enter the Responder's claim or policy number. The Claim/Policy Number field OR the Last Name (Company Name) is a required field. |
• | Line of Insurance: Used to define a choice between personal or commercial insurance. The choice made here impacts what is seen in the following field. |
• | Ins. First/Last Name (Shown if Personal Line of Insurance is chosen): Used to enter the first and last name of the Responder's insured individual. The Last Name OR the Claim/Policy Number field is a required field. |
• | Driver (Checkbox shown if Personal Line of Insurance is chosen): Used to indicate if the Responder's insured was driving the vehicle at the time of the accident. If this box is checked, the Driver First/Last Name field located under Responder Vehicle information will automatically populate with the phrase "Same as Insured". |
• | Ins. Company Name (Shown if Commercial Line of Insurance is chosen): Used to enter the name of the insured company. The Company Name OR the Claim/Policy Number field is a required field. |
Demander Company Information Field Definitions:
• | Driver First/Last Name: Used to enter the first and last name of the individual who was driving at the time of the accident if other than the insured. The phrase "Same as Insured" will automatically populate in this field if the Driver checkbox located under Demander Company Information is checked. |
• | Bailment: Used to indicate if the Demand involves a bailment situation.
Note: Bailment is the process of placing personal property or goods in the temporary custody or control of another with the expectation of the return of the property (such as in the case of giving one's car to a parking attendant or service professional). Some states have special requirements that could impact demands when a bailment is involved which is the reason this checkbox is provided. Typically, if you are unaware of why this checkbox would need to be used, you most likely will not need to use it. |
• | Vehicle Year: Used to enter the model year of the automobile about which the demand has been created. |
• | Vehicle Make/Model: Used to enter the manufacturer's brand and model of the automobile about which the demand has been created. |
• | Lic. Plate State/Number: Used to enter the state and number of the vehicle license plate. |
Responder Company Information Field Definitions:
• | Driver First/Last Name: Used to enter the first and last name of the individual who was driving at the time of the accident if other than the insured. The phrase "Same as Insured" will automatically populate in this field if the Driver checkbox located under Responder Company Information is checked. |
• | Vehicle Year: Used to enter the model year of the automobile about which the demand has been created. |
• | Vehicle Make/Model: Used to enter the manufacturer's brand and model of the automobile about which the demand has been created. |
• | Lic. Plate State/Number: Used to enter the state and number of the vehicle license plate. |
Loss Information Field Definitions:
• | Loss Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Required field used to enter the date of the loss. This can be entered manually or by clicking Select and choosing the date from the calendar. |
• | Loss City: Used to enter the city in which the loss occurred. |
• | Loss Location (e.g. street): Used to enter the street address where the loss occurred. |
• | Loss State: Required field used to select the state in which the loss occurred. |
• | Loss Facts (Demander): Used to include any relevant facts pertaining to the demand. |
Note: The Demander Rep Information prefills from the logged in user's profile.
Demander Rep Information Field Definitions:
• | Contact Name: Contains the Demander Rep name. |
• | Address 1: Contains the Demander Rep street address. |
• | Address 2: Contains the Demander Rep street address. |
• | City/State/Zip: Contains the Demander Rep city, state, and zip code. |
• | Phone: Contains the Demander Rep phone number. |
Note: These fields are optional. The Responder Rep Information changes automatically with each ownership change.
Responder Rep Information Field Definitions:
• | Contact Name: Will contain the name associated with the user account that currently owns the Demand on the Responder side. |
• | Address 1: Will contain the street address associated with the user account that currently owns the Demand on the Responder side. |
• | Address 2: Will contain the street address associated with the user account that currently owns the Demand on the Responder side. |
• | City/State/Zip: Will contain the city, state, and zip code associated with the user account that currently owns the Demand on the Responder side. |
• | Phone: Will contain the phone number associated with the user account that currently owns the Demand on the Responder side. |
Note: On the first demand a user creates, these fields will be blank. Once they are completed, they will be prefilled in subsequently added demands.
In order to change current remittance information, simply change these fields while adding a new demand.
Remittance Information Field Definitions:
• | Remit payment to: Contains a list of pre-filled names within the drop down menu from which the appropriate name can be chosen. |
• | Address 1: Contains the street address where Demand amount should be mailed. |
• | Address 2: Contains the street address where Demand amount should be mailed. |
• | Attention: Contains the contact name to whom the Demand amount should be mailed. |
• | City/State/Zip: Contains the city, state, and zip code where Demand amount should be mailed. |
• | Phone: Contains the phone number to be used for remittance questions. |
Upon completion of the above information, "Save and Continue" and then proceed to the Damages & Liability Tab to continue with a demand creation.
Damages & Liability Tab - Adding a Demand
Evidence Tab - Adding a Demand
Demand Summary Tab - Adding a Demand
Validations and Related Cases - Adding a Demand